What Was the First 3D Movie?

What Was the First 3D Movie?

I was watching that horrendous Jaws 3 movie and I asked myself why I put myself through this. At one point, the direction was really bad and I realized it was because the movie was supposed to be in 3D. That led me to think about the old 3D movies I already watched. The oldest is probably Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder from 1954. That’s a great movie. But…

When Did the First 3D Movie Was Produced?

We will never have the chance to see the first 3D movie ever made again. It was lost, like so many movies from that period. I’m talking about the silent era, a time of experimentation in the field of visual art that was not treated with a lot of reverence. It was the wild west. Anyway, we already talked about the invention of cinema in another article.

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Who Invented the Credit Card?

Who Invented the Credit Card?

I was listening to some Trevor Moore songs (RIP) and the one about his rage against the guy who invented the credit card reader chip led me to realize that I don’t even know where the credit card comes from. So, it’s time to dig into some consumerism history.

Who Created the Credit Card?

Where I come from, what we call a credit card is basically a payment card. You open a bank account, there’s a card that comes with it to pay and get money from the ATM, it’s mostly debit. If you want a credit, you need to talk to your bank counselor. If I understand well, it’s not the same in the U.S.—but it’s not the subject of this article. Indeed, were are here to explore the origin of those plastic cards.

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Who Invented the Flush Toilet?

Who Invented the Flush Toilet?

I usually wrote an introduction to explain how I ended up asking myself the question leading to this article. Sometimes, it’s about what I’m reading, watching on TV, or just doing with my life. In this particular case, I’m not sure it’s necessary. I mean, you probably can guess where I was when I thought of:

Who Created the Flush Toilet?

The answer is definitely not Thomas Crapper! Yes, it would have been perfect, but it’s just a joke that took a life of itself. The idea originated from a spoof biography titled “Flushed with Pride” written by Wallace Reyburn and published in 1969.

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Who Invented the Telescope?

Who Invented the Telescope?

Have you ever read H.G. Wells’ War of the World? It was first serialized in 1897, and the main character goes to an astronomical observatory to see explosions on the surface of the planet Mars at the beginning. This made me feel like I really don’t know anything about the history of astronomy (I already know I didn’t know a lot about astronomy already, except for that Pluto story). I asked myself:

Who Created the Telescope?

Before exploring the history of the invention of the telescope, what is a telescope? Let’s take a look at Merriam-Webster’s definition:

A usually tubular optical instrument for viewing distant objects by means of the refraction of light rays through a lens or the reflection of light rays by a concave mirror.

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Who Invented the Piano?

Who Invented the Piano?

For some time now, I’m house hunting. I noticed that houses for rich people often have a piano in them. Maybe it’s a regional thing, but it led me to think about:

Who Created the Piano?

Originally, we didn’t talk about “piano,” but about the pianoforte, because it’s an Italian invention—the name being itself derived from clavicembalo col piano e forte (harpsichord with soft and loud).

The piano evolved from previous instruments such as the clavichord, harpsichord, and dulcimer. Based on its predecessor, it was determined that the piano can be classified as a string instrument but also as a percussion instrument because of the hammer that strikes those strings.

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Who invented the GIF?

Who invented the GIF?

I first connected to the Internet at the end of the 1990s, and there were already GIFs. It was mostly little animated logos, some arrows bouncing around, that kind of stuff. I never really thought about it until this week when the death of the creator of the GIF was announced. I was like…

Who Created the GIF?

As you may know, it’s pronounced “JIF.” As you may not know, GIF is the abbreviation for Graphics Interchange Format. As the Cambridge Dictionary explained it, a GIF is a type of computer file, a bitmap image format, that contains a still or moving image.

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Who Invented the QR Code?

Who Invented the QR Code?

As a follow-up to my article “Who Invented the Barcode?”, I thought I would take a look at the QR Code, mostly because it seems that everybody adopted it except me.

My old phone is always full and it asks me constantly to delete apps I don’t often use, like the QR Code reader. When I need it, I always have to install it again. It’s a chore. It’s my problem, I know… Well, the question of today is:

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Who Invented Wind Turbines?

Who Invented Wind Turbines?

The other day, I was reading in a local magazine published by my city an article about the Bollée family. They are pretty famous around here (here is Le Mans, remember, I’m French) because of their involvement in the automobile industry.

I didn’t know a lot about Ernest Sylvain Bollée or his sons beyond that (except the fact that there was a football stadium with their name on it and a street too). I was a little surprised to learn that Ernest created the wind turbines. Turns out, he didn’t really create it. It’s a bit more complicated than that. So…

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Who Invented the Barcode?

Who Invented the Barcode?

The other day, I was doing my shopping. As I was using the Self-checkout, always searching where the barcodes are on every item, I naturally started thinking about who would have the idea to invent such a thing—you may have noticed, that I’m always asking that question, that’s why I created this blog! Well, here’s the answer!

Who Created the Barcode?

The short and not complete answer is that the barcode was invented by Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver and patented in the US in 1951. Of course, I should have begun with a definition, what is a barcode?

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Who invented the Ballpoint pen?

Who invented the Ballpoint pen?

I don’t know about you, but I always have difficulties finding a good pen to write. Nowadays, working on the Internet, I mostly write on my computer, but I still use notebooks and I have a stock of old pens to finish before the ink dried up. One of them is a ballpoint pen and, I may be stupid, but how do you conceive a thing like that? I need an answer.

Who created the Ballpoint pen?

As always, I first ask my old friend Merriam-Webster for a good definition of the subject of the day.

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Who Invented Kleenex?

Who Invented Kleenex?

It’s cold outside and the need to blow my nose increased visibly with the drop in temperature. I’m probably not alone, taking a walk, blowing my nose here and there, especially with the face masks. Winter is harsh. But…

Who Created Kleenex?

First things first, I’m saying Kleenex, but it’s one of those “brand name instead of product name” cases. When I’m talking Kleenex, I’m really talking about facial tissue (or paper tissue), soft, absorbent, disposable papers quite useful for the expulsion of nasal mucus from the nose.

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Who Invented Cryptocurrency?

Who Invented Cryptocurrency?

Like many of you, probably, I don’t really understand cryptocurrency. I know it’s virtual money, but why we should care about it, invest in it, or—simply put—trust it? I thought I needed to know a bit more, and you know me, I searched:

Who Created Cryptocurrency?

Apparently, Satoshi Nakamoto is the inventor. But who knows? Really, who knows?? From what I understand, Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the presumed pseudonymous person or persons who developed Bitcoin.

Maybe there’s a Satoshi Nakamoto somewhere, maybe not. Maybe there’s an internet community that hides behind the name. In that regard, Nakamoto seems to be the Banksy of virtual money.

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