What was the First Horror Movie?

What was the First Horror Movie?

It’s Spooktober! As usual, I’m trying to watch more horror movies during October than I do the rest of the year. I never stop watching this kind of movie, but it’s a tradition, so I do my best to put more thrills on the screens.

Anyway, I mixed classics and recent releases, and I was searching for some older titles to have different viewing experiences. You read the title of the article, and you know where this led me:

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What Was the First National Park?

What Was the First National Park?

Having been a reader of the National Geographic Magazine for many years, I’ve always been intrigued by the American National Parks. Maybe one day I’ll come to this part of the world and explore them. In the meantime, I thought of writing about their creation!

What Was the First National Park in America?

The answer is Yellowstone. It’s the most famous, and not because of that Kevin Costner TV show, or maybe it is now, that would be sad.

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When Did the First Marathon Take Place?

When Did the First Marathon Take Place?

I was reading in the local news about a half-marathon that took place the previous weekend. I didn’t know they ran only half the distance. In fact, I don’t even know why they run that long. Well, it was time for me to get educated on the subject!

What was the First Marathon?

Looking at the history of the race, it seems that there’s a layer of a myth that has been added to the real story. Let’s start with the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens—more about the revival of the Olympics in this article.

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What Was the First Gaming Console Ever Made?

What Was the First Gaming Console Ever Made?

While researching my article about the first video game, I naturally stumbled upon the history of gaming consoles. Having played with an Atari 2600 as a kid, I’m a bit familiar with the time before Nintendo and Sega, but not to the point of being considered knowledgeable. So, I wanted to change that a little and went on searching…

What Was the First Gaming Console Ever Created?

The answer is the Magnavox Odyssey, but it was not someone working at Magnavox who developed it in the first place.

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What Was the First Video Game?

What Was the First Video Game?

For some reason, I thought that Pong was the very first video game. I was really wrong, but it’s because it is the first commercially successful arcade game. There’s a clear difference between these two firsts, so I read up a little about the history of the video game to find:

What is the First Video Game ever?

In 1947, Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann patented the cathode-ray tube amusement device. A basic oscilloscope-style circuit was linked to a CRT (cathode-ray tube), and a series of knobs and switches served as the device’s controlling mechanism.

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What Was The First Vaccine?

What Was The First Vaccine?

Since the COVID-19 epidemic, vaccines have become something that needs debating, apparently. For decades, most people just got their shots. In France, we even have a law that says that we have to get vaccinated at a young age for a variety of diseases that recently reemerged in the US because parents decided not to believe in medicine. I don’t understand, and I’m not the only one. It’s been proven that it works.

On the other end, I was an avid watcher of the X-Files, so I kind of understand that there’s a conspiracy theory angle. Anyway, as I recently read about the return of previously eradicated diseases, I dig a little because I was curious to know:

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Who Discovered Macchu Pichu?

Who Discovered Macchu Pichu?

I recently wrote about Mount Everest, the Grand Canyon, and the discovery of the Northwest Passage, I thought we may go somewhere a bit less cold this time! Why not in South America?

Where and What is Macchu Pichu?

Let’s start with some basics before going back to its discovery. Machu Picchu is located deep within the Peruvian Andes and is considered a stunning example of the Inca people’s incredible engineering and building skills.

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Who Was the First Person To Climb Mount Everest and Survived?

Who Was the First Person To Climb Mount Everest and Survived?

The other day, my sister was talking to me about the manga she was reading, The Summit of the Gods by Jiro Taniguchi. A classic about a photographer who goes on an adventure with a mountaineer to discover where this need to climb mountains, to climb Everest, comes from.

At one point, I remember saying that I used to know who was the first person to successfully climb Mount Everest–I was fascinated by the subject for a very brief period of time a very long time ago. I forgot who it was. So, let’s go back in time to find out once more:

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Who was the First Witch?

Who was the First Witch?

I’m writing about the origins of classic horror monsters like vampires, werewolves, and zombies, but for me, they are mostly creatures of fiction. Strangely, when it comes to witches, it’s not the same.

Some people really believe in witchcraft and a lot of women were killed after being accused of practicing it. With that in mind, it’s harder to put the witches next to the other frightening supernatural beings. So, let’s take a look at the history of witches to discover…

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Who Discovered the Grand Canyon?

Who Discovered the Grand Canyon?

I mostly understand how most videos recommended to me by Youtube are selected by the algorithm. I’m always curious when something is unexpected. The other day, for example, I got “How Amazon Delivers to a Remote Ranch in the Grand Canyon,” it’s basically some propaganda stuff about how you can even get your packages at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

The people in the video seem quite nice and competent, loving their job and all, but the music and the editing add a fakery to the story and amplify when one guy celebrates how useful it is to get your Amazon package. Anyways, I start looking into that ranch and all, and ended up digging into the Grand Canyon trying to find out:

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What Was the First Haunted House?

What Was the First Haunted House?

Apparently, Disney put out a Haunted Mansion movie that nobody went to see… in the middle of July. If the Mouse doesn’t wait until October to sell its spooky mansion story, I can probably explore the subject too!

What Was the First documented Haunted House?

I don’t think it is possible to put a date on the exact moment humans started to believe in ghosts and other types of folkloric tales of the sort. It’s part of every culture. But we apparently can talk about the first documented tale of a haunted house!

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When Was the First UFO Sighting?

When Was the First UFO Sighting?

The Truth is Out There! Yes, I grew up watching The X-Files. Therefore, I’m kinda familiar with UFO conspiracies, in a way. I was surprised though to discover that there are people who are going in front of the American Senate to ask that all the dealings with the alien spaceship and all of that are made public. It just seems surrealist. But anyway, it hit me that all of this was not limited to the realm of science-fiction. So I went on a quick quest to discover:

What is a UFO?

Maybe we should begin with a definition of UFO. An unidentified flying object, or UFO, is also known as an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP). It encompasses any perceived aerial occurrence that defies immediate identification or explanation. Following a thorough investigation, the majority of reported UFOs are eventually identified as known objects or atmospheric phenomena. Nonetheless, a small subset of these phenomena remains unexplained, leaving room for ongoing speculation and study.

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